Natrural Joy Yoga Retreat
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions are valid from January 2024 onward.
These terms and conditions are a part of the purchase agreement between the person («the customer») named in the booking registration form found on naturaljoyyoga.com and the organization behind the retreat NJY («the company»). The company have the right to update these terms and conditions at any time.
General terms and conditions:
The company sells spots to yoga retreat to people of age who:
Does not owe the company money for previous purchases.
Are generally healthy, both physically and mentally.
The purchase gives the customer the right to attend the retreat on the arranged departure. The website www.naturaljoyyoga.com will clarify what is included in the price and not.
All attendance and practice organized by the company is done at the customers own risk. The customer is responsible for knowing their own limitations, regardless of the instructions given by the teachers. The company highly recommend that each customer has their own travel insurance/cancellation insurance. The company is not responsible for any expenses related to medical help.
The customer is responsible of:
Treating the retreats organizers, location, hosts, and other attendees and guests with respect. If they don’t, they can be denied access to the retreat.
Not using any illegal drugs or substances during the retreat, or in the retreats venue.
Keep a valid ID on them during their stay at the retreat. The company can demand that they show a valid ID.
5. The company will provide important information about the retreat on the customers private email-address given in the registration form. The customer is responsible to update the organizers of any change in their contact information (change of legal name, e-mail, address, phone number, etc).
6. The company is not responsible for any valuables that the customer brings into the retreat or the venue. The retreat is not responsible for theft, personal damage, or any other loss that the customer can experience on the retreat. The customer should have their own travel insurance to cover these expenses/losses.
7. The retreat will not share personal information about the customers to any third parties without the customers agreement. All personal information will be stored according to Norwegian law.
8. By booking this retreat, the customer agrees that the company can contact them regarding marketing of new retreats and events, according to the Norwegian marketing law §15. The customer can at any time choose to opt out.
9. If the customer is not able to attend the retreat as planned, they will have the opportunity to cancel their booking. For cancellation more than 80 days before the retreat check-in, the customer can demand a 50% refund of the purchase. For cancellation less than 80 days before the retreat check-in, the customer has no right to demand a refund. If the customer is not able to attend the retreat, the customer should notice the company. The retreat will refund the purchase no later than two months after the cancellation. Keep in mind, that your insurance company will help you in the event of illness or other health-related issues that causes you to cancel your trip.
10. If the customer is not able to attend the retreat as planned, the customer can choose to sell or give their spot to someone else. In this case, the customer is responsible to notice the company before check-in, The new booking will not be valid until the new customer has read and agreed to these terms and conditions.
11. In the event of Force Majure, the retreat can be cancelled on a short notice with 50 % refund. The retreat is not responsible for any other expenses related to the retreat booking (like airfare or transportation).
12.In the event of a pandemic, the retreat can be cancelled on a short notice. In that case, the customers will be refunded their purchase in full.
13. The company can change the program for the retreat at any given time and on very short notice.
14. The company might be photographing the yoga classes, ceremonies, dinners, etc, and by booking the retreat the customer agrees that these photos can be used for marketing purposes. The customer can choose to opt out, by informing the company.
15. The purchase is covered by Norwegian law.